Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Quotables: Bristol Palin Says to Stop Bullying Bristol Palin

photo of bristol palin pictures photos

You know you’ve struck a nerve when even J-Woww tweets insults at you. But the thing that most amazes me is how few people actually addressed the points I made in my recent blog post. They were pretty simple. Conservative women like my mom get grief because people think they can’t make decisions without their husband, but Barack Obama gets applauded for changing his mind on a huge issue after consulting his wife and young daughters. The double standard amazes me.

Pop culture needs a little bit of debate. It needs a little bit of disagreement. … But what you won’t find is any disagreement about things like gay marriage or abortion. For those folks, there’s one way to think, and anyone who disagrees is stupid, hypocritical, hateful, or bigoted. … If you read the almost 3,000 comments after my controversial post, you’ll see some of the most terrible words against me, my mom, and my entire family.

You’ll see hate in the name of love. People claim they’re just trying to protect the right of two people to love each other – a right I don’t contest, by the way – and then spew the worst words imaginable at someone they disagree with. If the agenda is love, why do you hate so intensely? You’ll see bullying in the name of tolerance. Around Hollywood, there’s lots of concern and great initiatives to try to encourage more kindness in this world. Then why do I get so many messages telling me I should die?

Oh, now Bristol‘s an anti-bullying feminist who wants you to … I don’t know what. I don’t get where she’s going with the Obama thing. Yeah, she makes a good case about bullying, and it’s definitely not OK to bully someone for, you know, bullying, but that’s basically what she’s been doing this entire time, now, hasn’t it? Telling gays that they shouldn’t get married because it’s “unnatural” and suggesting that those who are gay are puerile and immature and haven’t grown up yet? It’s like, “Wait. I’m sorry, what?”

The post goes on to further ostracize people for disagreeing with her (and in this case, I’m not talking about those who are infinite hate-mongers who can only insult and call her “fat” and “stupid” and “retarded,” because those who can’t make a point during an argument without swearing and insulting and carrying on don’t make much of a point either, I’m afraid), and you can read it in its entirety here.

All I know is that it’s pretty damned convenient that Bristol’s in the process of putting the final touches on her new reality show, Life’s a Tripp, right? … No? Complete coincidence? Right. I totally thought so, too, but I had to ask my husband to be sure.

Source: evilbeetgossip

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